Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Make Girls Like Me Quickly?

The ultimate secret of pursuing girls is attraction. For most boys and girls, attractiveness is the main factor that stimulates the hormone secretion. Attraction can stimulate girls to have possessive and close thoughts towards boys. At this time, your pursuit has been successful. Of course, many boys know this theory, but when it comes to specific operations, they will be very confused. So what can we do to make girls feel good about themselves?

First, use language to guide the topic. Especially during the first date or contact, your first impression may determine whether you can develop for a long time. When you date the opposite sex for the first time, you must be mentally prepared and control your emotions and posture. Don't make intimate contact too early, or you will appear rude. When chatting with a girl, pay attention to listen to the voice of the other person and get her preferences from her description. Do not comment on the external images of girls, such as clothes, hairstyles, and bags. Of course, if you are complimenting, then you can complement the girl's dress appropriately, but don't be too exaggerated. Humorous words can help you get a good chat environment. Leading a girl's topic to develop her interests will make the two become intimate. After a chat, you will leave a funny and easy-to-go image for the girl.

At the same time, a relaxed attitude is also a very important factor. Many boys feel nervous on the first date with their favorite girl. A tense state of mind can leave your brain blank and forget what should be said and what should not be said. This will make the conversation between the two enter an awkward atmosphere. There is nothing to say, it will make girls think you are a boring person. Many boys cannot relax their mentality because of their desire for this relationship and the excessive demand for this girl. This kind of strong desire will make it impossible to relax and think. So, before dating, you can try to adjust your mentality to a normal level. Think about some interesting things you encounter in your daily life or things you see from books or TV. When chatting with girls, use a natural posture to communicate and understand. Like being with friends, share your own interesting stories.

You need to establish an intimate relationship and make the other person attracted to you. Let girls do not hate you and can do it easily. But how to make a girl attracted to herself and possessive? Girls have a good impression of boys who can enjoy life and actively improve themselves, so you can share some of your own positive hobbies, such as traveling, playing guitar, fitness, or I like cooking. These little hobbies in life will make girls feel good about your positive image.

At the same time, it is also important to actively demonstrate your value. The way to show your value can be through your work or through your friends. You can introduce some of your good friends with this girl. You know, if these good friends of yours are people with integrity and decent jobs, then her sense of identity for you will increase. Of course, if you can, introducing her to your work is also a good way to reflect your value. If you perform well in a certain field, then this means that you are a person with a certain special ability. This role can have a positive impact on society and the family.

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